Central Vacuum Clog Repair Services

One common cause of central vacuum clogs is sucking up wet or damp messes.  The other leading cause of clogs is when long objects get sucked into the vacuum pipes.

The very first thing we do is determine whether you really have a clog or some other issue. We will run a quick series of tests to determine exactly what the problem is for certain. It could be an overly full collection bin, a plugged filter or some other problem.

Clogs will happen with a central vacuum, just like they do with any other vacuuming system. Avoidance is the goal, but when clogs happen we can get things back to proper working order very quickly. The first thing is to determine where the clog is located in the system.

Once the clog is located there are a few steps that will be taken to clear the clog.  A separate high-powered portable vacuum will be used to try and dislodge the clog from above the central vacuum unit.  If the clog can not be removed by this method, other tactics will be tested.

By having your central vacuum system professionally inspected and cleared of clogs you will have the peace of mind knowing that it is now functioning properly.  If you have purchased any type of service plan, you should check to see if clogs are covered under that plan.