Selecting the Best Central Vacuum Contractor

As we said before, the first step in choosing your contractor is determining your priorities.  But before even deciding on your priorities, let alone which central vacuum contractor you want to hire, you need to determine if you actually need a contractor. We had a more in depth discussion of this earlier, but what you ultimately need to decide is if you want to install it yourself, meaning you have the skills to run the power, open your walls, run the tubing, and handle any other special needs which your house warrants, you have the technical understanding of central vacuum systems to choose an appropriate system for your house, and you have the knowledge to determine where to place the inlets for maximum efficacy.

If you do not have the requisite skills and knowledge, then it is time to consider which contractor to hire. Now, the best central vacuum contractor is going to vary person to person based upon their needs, but what you should really look for is their work history, previous reviews and recommendations, their service agreement (if they have one), and cost. If cost is your most important factor, then your best company will be vastly different than the best company for someone who is looking for an experienced, well reviewed central vacuum contractor.

Ultimately, you need to contact contractors to determine who is the best fit for you. If you have any other questions about the selection process or the process of installing a central vacuum system, please contact us.