Investing in a Central Vacuum

With the economy in the state that it is today, more and more people are looking for a safe and smart way to invest their money. Most of you already know that the safest place you can put your hard earned cash these days, is into your home or your own business. Many people don’t own their own business and it is a tough time to start one. That leaves you with your home as the best possible investment. Well what does this have to do with central vacuums? How is that an investment, you might ask. Well, installing a central vac in a new or existing home has been proven to add thousands of dollars to it’s value. Like some people you might be thinking it’s going to cost you more than the value it adds. That is simply not true.

When people think of central vac systems they sometimes conjure up the idea that these types of things are only for the wealthy. Years ago that was true, but not today. You will be surprised at how affordable it really is to add a system to your home. Even your existing home. Granted, it is an easier install in a new construction home, and will cost you a little less. If you are building, now is the time to choose which brand of central vacuum is right for you. If you aren’t building a new home, like most of us, it is still a great investment, and it is not as expensive or complicated as you might think.

One common question I get is “won’t we have to tear the house apart to get all the tubing into the walls?”.  You do not have to undergo the inconvenience and expense involved in most renovation/ home upgrades.  It can actually be really easy and quick to get a central vac installed. If your house has central air for example, the same paths can be used for your central vacuum tubing. The inlets can easily be cut into just about any place you like, with no big cleanup involved. So now I bet your wondering how much it’s going to cost you.

It won’t cost as much as you think. Some systems can be installed for as little as a couple thousand dollars. You could pay that much for a high end standalone vacuum. Even for a cheap standard vac you are going to pay several hundred dollars and it probably won’t last you more than a few years.  With proper care and maintenance of your central vacuum it will last you as long as you own your home.  Add to that the fact that it will make your life better by adding convenience to your regular housework while at the same time making the air in your home better to breath. It’s not a tough choice. You can have a healthier, cleaner home and be making a smart investment at the same time.